Easy Office Updates for Energy Savings


Offices are busy places, and people are always moving around, using electronics, and expending energy everywhere. For offices, especially the ones that have hundreds or even thousands of employees, energy costs can be a very expensive overhead cost. It is estimated that the average office spends around $30,000 on energy costs each year. There are a few steps that offices can take to reduce energy costs. We’ve listed a few here.

Replace electronics with Energy Star rated electronics.

Many electronics now come with energy star ratings. These electronics tend to use less energy than the ones that don’t have the ratings. They also give an estimate of the annual costs of running that particular piece of equipment so that the cost can be factored into a budget. The government also provides tax credits to offices who have certain energy star rated products, so this can also save office money in the long run.

Install motion activated lights.

These lights will automatically turn off in rooms where no one is working. This will dramatically save money on energy costs, especially if people are forgetful when it comes to turning the lights off.

Replace light bulbs with energy efficient light bulbs.

Light bulbs have evolved dramatically over the last decade. LED bulbs are the most efficient bulbs on the market, and prices have decreased a lot to make them more affordable. On average, an LED bulb uses around 91% less energy than the old incandescent bulbs and approximately 87% less energy than halogen bulbs.

Set the thermostat and lock it.

Temperature-wise, it’s hard to please everyone. Some people will be hot, some will be cold, and some won’t care one way or the other. Closer the thermostat is to the temperature outside, the lower your energy costs will be because the cooling system or the heating system won’t have to work as hard. Find a “neutral” temperature, like 75 degrees Fahrenheit, and leave it there. If there is a problem with employees constantly changing the thermostat, invest in a thermostat lock box or a thermostat that allows employees to only adjust by a few degrees.

Filter sunlight coming in through windows.

Large windows in the office? If sunlight or heat is streaming in, then the air conditioner has to work harder to cool the office. Invest in sun blocking shades or film treatments that block sunlight and UV rays. Sun filtering is especially necessary for offices that have skylights.